Pilot transport service to help people in Falkirk stay connected

A membership-based transport service is being piloted to help vulnerable people attend community groups and social activities in the Falkirk Council area, combating loneliness and isolation.

The Stay Connected transport service is being trialled by local Forth Valley charity Dial-a-Journey, with support and funding from Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership.

The new service aims to help people who are unable to access transport due to mobility requirements, cost, or those who rely solely on others to access transport – providing a break for carers as well.

Martin Kenny, Development Officer, Dial-a-Journey said: “This is a targeted transport service aimed at some of the most isolated people within our community, who otherwise wouldn’t get the chance to attend the activities they enjoy and meet up with friends more regularly.

“Simply by providing a lift where there wasn’t one before, we can open up possibilities, give a boost to an individual’s wellbeing and bring communities together.”

The pilot service will support individuals in need to access community groups and organisations that are also funded by Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership. Groups can refer existing and new members if they would not have been able to attend gatherings or activities without the help of the new Stay Connected transport service.

Uptake of the pilot service will be monitored, with feedback from participating organisations and groups identifying how this has improved a person’s access to services in the Falkirk area. The project will then seek to address its findings to develop future proposals for any longer-term services.

Learn more and apply

The Stay Connect Project transport service is a pilot project launched in April 2023 with the help of one-time grant funding from Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership. The temporary service will explore transport needs in the local area and help shape future proposals for any required ongoing services.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Only available for travel in Falkirk
  • Existing service users unable to continue attending groups and activities due to transport
  • Potential new service users unable to attend groups and activities due to transport
  • May have mobility requirements and is unable to use public transport or car
  • May have financial barriers and is unable to afford public transport or car
  • Current transport arrangements do not provide a break for their carer and this service would support the service user to attend groups and activities as well as benefit the carer

Organisations and community groups can refer an individual to be supported by the Stay Connected Project by completing and returning an application form, listing ‘Stay Connected Project Member’ within the ‘What is the nature of your impairment?’ field.

To learn more about this service, please contact Martin Kenny at Dial-a-Journey.