“Open and honest” consultation to launch about tough decisions facing Falkirk’s health and social care services.
Almost £20m of budget savings must be achieved over the next 3 financial years by Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership, the body responsible for local services delivered by Falkirk Council, NHS Forth Valley and community organisations.
The Partnership is preparing to launch an “open and honest” consultation about the difficult decisions facing local services, members of its Board heard at its meeting on Friday 29 November.
Members of the public and those working in local services will be asked for their views on a range of options, which will involve increased service charges, changes to the way services are delivered, or possible reductions in the level of support available.
Gail Woodcock, Chief Officer, Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership said: “The reality of our financial challenge is that unpopular decisions will have to be taken. But it is our job to assure local people that decisions are made fairly and wisely.
“It is essential that we take tough decisions now, in order to ensure our services will continue to support those in need into the future. If we delay or do not go far enough, we will be met with even tougher choices and will be challenged to deliver consistent support people can rely on.
“Our financial position is not a reflection of the hard work of colleagues delivering care and support. Similar challenges are being felt across the public sector, but we will work together with partners and providers to resolve them. I hope as many people as possible can take part when the consultation opens soon.”
The consultation will launch in early January, ahead of the Partnership’s board finalising its budget in March.
To keep informed of engagement opportunities, you can follow the Partnership at @FalkirkHSCP on X (twitter), Facebook, or LinkedIn, and sign up to receive our newsletter.