People in Falkirk are being asked their views on a draft strategy for local learning disability services and support options. The draft has been created following a series of engagement… read more →
A £250,000 fund is now available to help improve the use and availability of digital health and care technology within the Falkirk area. Funding is open to statutory services, third… read more →
A new management structure is being proposed for Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership, reflecting its expanded remit and providing clear leadership across a complex mix of services. Since its… read more →
Suicide Prevention Day Funding, apply by 19 August 2024. Small grants of up to £500 are available to community-based groups or organisations in the Falkirk area working to promote suicide… read more →
A series of engagement sessions will offer advice about using technology to improve health and enable independent living. Taking to local libraries in July and August, the sessions are being… read more →
Refurbished group spaces and growing staff team for Dollar Park Dementia Service People living with Dementia, and their families or carers, will soon benefit from enhanced facilities and expanded support… read more →
Falkirk’s Public Protection Chief Officers Group is delighted to announce its first partnership webinar on Monday 2 September from 3-4:30pm. Anyone working in local services which may play a part… read more →
Falkirk’s Integration Joint Board, responsible for the strategic planning and operational oversight of local health and social care services, met on 28 June 2024. Here’s a summary of what member’s… read more →
During two Conversation Cafés this month, people with learning disabilities, their carers and families are being invited to share their experiences of accessing support in Falkirk. The feedback will be… read more →
Marie Keirs has joined the Partnership this week as Chief Finance Officer, taking over from Interim CFO Mark Fairley. Joining from Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership, Marie brings experience… read more →