Consultation: Planning equal and fair health and social care services

Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership is gathering views on the way local services ensure everyone has fair and equal access to support.

The Partnership’s Integration Joint Board is required to publish a set of Equality Outcomes every four years, these outcomes are the results needed to achieve fairer and more equitable services.

To cover the next four-year period (2024-2028), the Partnership is proposing two Equality Outcomes, which are:

  1. Older people who experience digital exclusion have alternative ways to access services.
  2. People from Black and Minority Ethnic Backgrounds with cultural and language differences have improved experiences accessing health and social care services.

These Outcomes have been drafted following feedback received during the Partnership’s recent engagement to produce a new Strategic Plan and from evidence presented by partner bodies such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Through discussions with community groups in Falkirk, the Partnership heard that older people have difficulty accessing online services and that people from Black and Minority Ethnic Backgrounds faced cultural or language barriers when accessing health and social care services.

During this next stage of engagement, the Partnership will be meeting with community groups for in-depth discussion on the draft outcomes and running an online survey.

How to take part

The next phase of this consultation went live in January 2024, with a new survey open until 3 March 2024 – available at the Participate+ website, as below.x

Anyone can take part in the survey, which is available online at Participate+ Falkirk until 27th October. Translated versions of the survey are available in Ukrainian, Urdu, Russian, and Arabic. Alternative formats can be requested via

The team will also be gathering in-person feedback at a range of events and local clubs, details below. If you run a community group and would like to arrange your own in-person session, please get in touch via

In-person opportunities:

Take the survey