Share your views to help cancer support services grow in Forth Valley

A service which provides ongoing support for people affected by cancer in the Forth Valley area is preparing to expand following increased investment from its charity delivery partner, Macmillan Cancer Support.

The Macmillan One to One service is available across Forth Valley, supported by NHS Forth Valley and the health and social care partnerships for Falkirk, Clackmannanshire and Stirling.

Ahead of the service expansion, views of people who have an experience of cancer, as well as their families and carers are being gathered in a short survey.

What support does the One to One Service provide?

The Macmillan One to One team provide ongoing support for people affected by cancer, offering community-based support to access advice, care, and help within the local area.

By taking a “what matters to you” approach to support throughout an individual’s cancer journey, the team provide access to appropriate sources of support for all needs – physical, practical, emotional, family, or spiritual.

The service also liaises closely with oncology teams across Forth Valley and the wider Central Scotland area.

Take part

The service is currently being expanded with the involvement of the local community. Your input is vital to help shape a service that will best support those living in Forth Valley, with their concerns at its heart.

An online survey is open on Participate+ until 27 April, where people can share as much or as little of their personal experience as they’d like.

Responses are anonymous, you will not be asked to provide any of your personal details such as your name or address. To ensure privacy, you are encouraged not to include any personal details within this survey.

To find out how we keep and use any data provided you can read the NHS Forth Valley Privacy Policy.

Take part now

More about this project

This engagement is part of the wider Improving the Cancer Journey Programme taking shape across Forth Valley. The Programme involves 4 project areas:

  • Developing the existing Macmillan one to one service.
  • Development of a system-wide approach to the use of a Holistic Needs Assessment.
  • Scoping current prehabilitation activities across Forth Valley, which help people prepare for emotional, physical, and wellbeing needs which may change during cancer treatment.
  • Creation of a shared community vision for cancer care in the community.

For further information about this programme, please contact Claire Alexander, Macmillan ICJ Programme Manager, on