Have your say: Equality Outcomes

We’re asking local people and partners to have their say on a set of Interim Equality Outcomes, with a survey open until 31 October.

Falkirk’s Integration Joint Board has a duty to publish a set of Equality Outcomes every four years, and report on its progress every two years.

Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership is fully committed to promoting fairness, dignity, and respect while delivering services which provide equal opportunity for all in the Falkirk area.

What is an Equality Outcome?

Equality Outcomes are the results we want to achieve in promoting equality, tackling discrimination and fostering good relations. These Equality Outcomes support us to deliver improvements in our services which advance equality of opportunity between different groups of people.

Why is it relevant to you?

Each of us share one of the nine characteristics protected under the Equality Act (2010). These are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Some people may experience discrimination or disadvantage based on their protected characteristics. These Equality Outcomes ensure our services meet the differing needs of people with protected characteristics as well as protect them from experiencing discrimination or disadvantage when engaging in our services.

Have your say

This year, we are proposing to set Interim Equality Outcomes for 2022-2023.

Since we are currently developing our Strategic Plan (to be published in 2023), we have an opportunity to align our Strategic Plan and Equality Outcomes together.

This will ensure that the services we deliver and the care we provide is person-centred, human-rights based, and places equality at the heart of everything we do.

Take part now

A short survey is open until 31 October 2022.

Take part now