Bonnybridge service invites local community to summer open day

A Falkirk Council service which offers short breaks to people living with a learning disability is opening its doors to the community for a special event.

The Thornton Gardens short break service welcomes everyone to join activities and events during its open day on Wednesday 30th August, 12pm – 4pm.

The Bonnybridge-based service will be hosting refreshments, activities, a raffle, and entertainment from Falkirk’s own X-Factor and The Voice UK star Barbara Bryceland.

Short break service manager, Sharon Brownlee said: “We’re looking forward to getting to know our neighbours and community a little bit more. Our service is tucked away in a quiet corner, but we are far from being a sleepy care home.

“Thornton is Falkirk’s residential activity and short break service – giving people with learning disabilities a chance to unwind from their usual routine.

“While staying with us, guests take part in a range of activities. It’s never a dull day here – you can find us getting messy with arts and crafts, taking some time out in the garden, playing games, or going on excursions about town.

“Come pop along to our open day to find out more about Thornton and the team, how you can get involved with our volunteering opportunities, and to enjoy some fun, games, and entertainment.”

A raffle, with a thrilling top prize of a private plane excursion, will raise funds for the team to purchase a games console, gaming chairs, and a new tv – hoping to set up a games station for guests to enjoy.

Raffle tickets are available for £5 via the team on the day, or by contacting the home in advance, with the raffle to be drawn at 3:45pm on the day.

The service has volunteering opportunities available, with support required to maintain and help flourish Thornton’s garden areas.

More about Thornton Gardens

Thornton provides short breaks for adults living with a learning disability – allowing the cared-for individual to have a break from their usual routine and carers to have time away from their caring responsibilities. Guests can stay for up to two weeks at Thornton, taking part in a range of activities and outings. Further information about the service is available on the Falkirk Council website.