Falkirk’s 18–29 year olds urged to go online to register for the vaccine
NHS Forth Valley is inviting all 18-29 year olds in the area to register online or by phone before Friday, 4 June, to get details of their COVID-19 vaccine appointment sent to them by email or text. Those not registering will be sent their appointment details by letter at a later date.
The announcement coincides with a survey which shows that 90 per cent of 18-29 year olds in Scotland will get the COVID-19 vaccine when offered it, or have had it already, with just under seven in ten (69 per cent) eager to get it.
Jillian Taylor, Operational Lead for NHS Forth Valley’s Covid-19 Vaccination Programme, said: “By registering for the vaccine online at 0800 030 8013 before Friday 4 June, those aged 18-29 can get their appointment by email or text wherever they are.
“This is particularly important for those who are planning to be away or have different term time addresses to ensure they still get details of their appointment as soon as possible as letters will be sent out to where they are registered with a GP.
“I’d encourage all 18-29 year olds to take up the registration offer before the deadline.”
Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Humza Yousaf, said: “The COVID-19 vaccine is our best way out of the current pandemic and these survey findings are really encouraging as we roll-out the programme to those in the younger age groups and look at potential uptake levels.
“It’s clear from the findings that 18-29 year olds across Scotland are thinking about others, with 54 per cent of respondents who will get or have got the vaccine saying they have, or would, get the vaccine ‘because we’re all in this together and they want to do their bit’.
Katie Adams who is aged 19, said: “I can’t wait to get my COVID-19 vaccine to give myself and my family the best form of protection we have from coronavirus. It’s been a long hard slog for everyone since the pandemic hit but by registering for the vaccine, I feel I’ll be doing my bit.
“I really look forward to life getting back to some form of normality, not having to think about who and where I meet my pals and being able to go on holiday with them, making great memories for the future.”
The survey of 1,000 18-29 year olds in Scotland was conducted by Censuswide on behalf of the Scottish Government during May 2021.
Register now
If you’re aged 30 and over you will not be able to self-register as these appointments are currently being processed. You’ll receive your blue envelope in the post.
If you think you should have received a letter by now with details of either your first or second dose, call the national COVID-19 vaccination helpline, as above, or use this guide to report your missing appointment.