Falkirk’s Integration Joint Board is responsible for the planning, resourcing and operational oversight of a wide range of health and social care services. The Board is supported by its Performance, Audit and Assurance Committee.
Meetings and Documents
The Board meets 6 times a year, with an agenda and reports published in advance on Falkirk Councilâs committee pages. Live streaming is available on the Councilâs committee YouTube channel, with a recording available shortly after.
2025 meeting dates:
Board Members
The Board is made up of representatives from Falkirk Council, NHS Forth Valley, Third Sector representatives, service users and carers.
Councillor Fiona Collie, Falkirk Council (Chair)
Councillor Fiona Collie is Councillor for the Denny & Banknock ward and is Portfolio Holder for Health & Social Care. Fiona has worked in both paid and volunteer roles within the third sector for most of her career in a wide range of roles including policy development, campaigning, advice and support. She combines her council role with employment with the charity Carers Scotland and volunteer roles.
Gordon Johnston, NHS Forth Valley (Vice Chair)
Gordon has held senior roles in the public and voluntary sectors in areas including community development, managing a local community engagement organisation, and co ordinating the distribution of National Lottery and European funding. He is now active in many third sector mental health organisations in Scotland, has considerable leadership and governance experience and is currently chair of Bipolar Scotland and a public partner with Healthcare Improvement Scotland. He also carries out paid consultancy work, mainly in peer research, patient engagement, community development and organisational development. Gordon was appointed as a Board member of the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland in April 2017 and chairs its Audit, Risk and Information Governance Committee. In 2019 he became a member of the Mental Health Strategic Delivery Board, established and chaired by the Minister for Mental Health.
Councillor Anne Hannah, Falkirk Council
Councillor Hannah has extensive experience working in local government, covering Inverclyde, Lothian, City of Edinburgh and now serving as a member for Lower Braes.
Holding a degree in Social Policy from Edinburgh University and a Diploma in Legal Studies from Edinburgh Napier University, Anne has a career working in Welfare Rights, working to support older people, those living with a disability, and families to access support.
Her experience covers both professional and personal, having also provided support for family members â providing a service userâs view of the health, social care, and welfare landscape.
Councillor Jim Flynn, Falkirk Council
Councillor Jim Flynn, elected Member for the Carse, Kinnaird and Tryst Ward, has been a Councillor for almost 6 years. Prior elected office, he has worked in various roles within the pharmaceutical industry, working with health boards, hospitals, GP practices and with healthcare professionals across Scotland.
His experience has provided an operational view across many areas including urology, gynaecology, paediatrics, endocrinology, radiology and many other therapy areas. Jim has also worked with Community Health Partnerships developing cost effective prescribing reviews and providing support to GP Practices.
In the third sector Jim volunteered as Young Befriender for over 10 years with Central Carers Trust and served as a Board Member of Carers Trust for around 5 years.
Stephen McAllister, NHS Forth Valley
Stephen is a former senior Police Officer, with extensive experience in leadership, governance and performance management. During his career, Stephen was a Police Hostage and Crisis Negotiator, which allowed him to develop excellent active listening skills and influencing skills. Stephen was the Police Divisional Commander in Forth Valley prior to retiring and as such has a good perspective on the delivery of a unitary service across three local authorities and a firm understanding of the physical and social geography of the area that Forth Valley Health Board covers.
Since leaving Police Scotland, he has built up non-executive board experience in both the voluntary and public sector and as a consultant in mental health improvement and negotiation. Stephen hopes to bring these various strands of his Police career and post police experience to the benefit of Forth Valley Health board and community it serves.
Dr Michele McClung, NHS Forth Valley
Michele McClung is a Non-Executive Board Member for NHS Forth Valley and has over 20 years of public sector experience in a policy and research environment. She has worked in both Stirling Council and Falkirk Council and is now employed by Education Services within Glasgow City Council, where she leads a team providing strategic support to the Directorate.
Michele has been a member of Falkirk and Central Scotland Samaritans and is a member of the national board of Trustees which is responsible for the governance of all Samaritan branches throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland.
Micheleâs key areas of interest include mental health, poverty and inequality.
Gail Woodcock, Chief Officer, Falkirk HSCP
Gail has over 30 yearsâ experience working within public sector and community health and social care settings, with significant expertise in managing transformation projects involving social care, primary care, mental health and digital services. She joined the the Partnership in the summer of 2021 as Head of Integration before her appointment as Chief Officer in April 2024. Her career has included senior leadership positions within Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership and Bon Accord Care, Aberdeen City Councilâs Social Care delivery organisation. She is also a former chair of the Health and Social Care Scotland Strategic Commissioning Group.
Marie Keirs, Chief Finance Officer
Joining from Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership in May 2024, Marie brings experience from senior finance positions in Inverclyde and South Ayrshire and an understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing integration boards and local authorities across Scotland.
Kenneth Lawrie, Chief Executive, Falkirk Council
Kenneth Lawrie was recently appointed as Falkirk Council’s new Chief Executive and took up his role at the beginning of August.
Kenneth joined local government in 1994 and since then has held various positions at Dartford Borough Council and Scottish Borders Council, taking up the position as Chief Executive with Midlothian Council in September 2009.
Ross McGuffie, Chief Executive, NHS Forth Valley
Ross took up the post as NHS Forth Valley’s Chief Executive in October 2024, with extensive experience of planning and managing a wide range of health and social care services and a strong track record of delivering changes to improve service performance and achieve better outcomes for patients.
Starting his NHS career within health improvement, Ross then moved on to become a locality service manager with responsibility for community health services in NHS Lanarkshire. He then took on the role as Head of Planning, Performance and Quality Assurance for North Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership before being appointed as the Partnershipâs Chief Officer in 2018.
Sara Lacey, Chief Social Work Officer
Sara Lacey is Head of Social Work Childrenâs Services and Chief Social Work Officer for Falkirk Council. Sara has worked in social care for 25 years and has been a qualified social worker since 1996. She has worked in a variety of practice and leadership roles within the local authority, third and independent sectors. Over the course of her career Sara has worked predominantly within children and families services; starting her management experience in a statutory support and protection team before moving on to provide preventative family support. Prior to coming to Falkirk Council Sara was the Managing Director of a national residential child care organisation and spent time overseas developing home based nursing services for people with critical health issues and at end of life. Saraâs current role as Head of Service includes responsibility for Criminal Justice Services. As Chief Social Work Officer Sara is a non-voting member of the IJB and a member of the Clinical and Care Governance Group.
Andrew Murray, Medical Director, NHS Forth Valley
Andrew is a founding member of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management and has led the redesign of a wide range of medical services. He has also developed and implemented new models of care across community and acute hospitals.
He graduated from Glasgow University in 1988 and worked in both Scotland and New Zealand until 2001, when he moved to NHS Ayrshire and Arran as a Consultant ENT surgeon, Clinical Director, Associate Medical Director and then Medical Director with NHS Borders before taking his current post of Medical Director at NHS Forth Valley.
Professor Frances Dodd, Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Representative
Frances is the Executive Nurse Director for NHS Forth Valley, professionally leading and supporting nursing, midwifery and AHP staff across the local area. Bringing extensive experience in pre-hospital, acute, and primary care services, Francesâs nursing career began at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clydeâs Victoria Infirmary, she then held a range of senior management and professional leadership roles with NHS Lanarkshire and the Scottish Ambulance Service.
Dr David Herron, GP Clinical Lead, Falkirk HSCP
David graduated from Manchester in 2002 and has been a GP Partner in a practice in Polmont since 2006. He is also involved in training medical students and GP Trainees and arranging educational events for GPs across Forth Valley. David chairâs NHS Forth Valleyâs GP Subcommittee which provides advice on a wide range of issues affecting General Practice.
Robert Clark, NHS Forth Valley
Robert began his career in NHS Forth Valley in 1985 working as a relief Plaster Technician and then moved to Theatres as a Theatre Orderly. He then undertook the Operating Department Practitioner course, qualified in 1989, and has worked in Theatres since then.
He has been involved in the Trade Union movement since 1985 and became a Unison steward in 1990. He has also served as Branch Secretary for the Stirling Royal Infirmary and latterly the Forth Valley Health branches of Unison.
Robert is a passionate believer in Partnership Working, fairness and equality and has served on NHS Forth Valleyâs Acute Serviceâs Partnership Forum and the Area Partnership Forum for many years.
He is a strong supporter of the NHS and is committed to doing all he can to preserve this great institution to ensure it can continue to provide care to all, regardless of their income or social background.
Roger Ridley, Falkirk Council
Roger is the union representative from Falkirk Council on the committee. Roger has worked in social work for thirty five years. Working in children and families social work as a social worker and manager most of that time but moving to adults services as a mental health officer over the last few years.
Thus, Roger feels the values that brought him in to social work all those years ago still motivate him both in his work with Unison but also his role as representative on the board, trying to see individuals and communities holistically
Margo Biggs, Service user representative
Margo has lived in Falkirk for over 40 years and has represented public and patient interests through a range of boards and panels. With a professional background in Modern Studies, Margo has taught the subject and tackled national and internal issues. In addition, she has taught life skills courses to pupils, who previously lack motivation and success in the community.
Locally, Margo has experience of taking part in the local health council for Forth Valley, the Public Patient Panel for local hospitals, the Royal College of General Practitioners âP3â patient group, and as a lay reviewer visiting GP practices.
She has been a public partner with Health Improvement Scotland for many years doing hospital visits, latterly as an HEI Inspector and a member of SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network) contributing to Patient Versions of Guidelines.
Margo passionately believes in equality for patients and carers and involving patients in decisions about their treatment and care and being communicated with in the provision of information and being consulted and fed back to on what they contribute.
Elaine Beveridge, Carers Representative
Caring responsibilities have come and gone throughout Elaineâs life, supporting her dad, mum, and husband at different stages. This has provided a range of experiences accessing local services and advocating for loved onesâ support and care.
Professionally, Elaine is a retired Police Inspector, with 30 yearsâ experience working in the local area, bringing strategic expertise and an understanding of multi-agency approaches to supporting people in Falkirk.
Sharon Mwale, Depute Carers Representative
Sharon is an enthusiastic member of the local community, using her experience of caring for her own children to support other carers in the local area. As a member of the local Carers Centre for 7 years; representative on the Partnershipâs community-led support programme board; and treasurer for carers charity RISE Forth Valley, Sharon is well accustomed to being a voice for people with caring responsibilities.
She also brings an understanding of the public sector landscape, through more than 20 yearsâ working as a qualified accountant in range of settings, including at a local authority.
Ian Dickson, Third sector representative
Appointed CEO of Falkirkâs Mental Health Association (FDAMH) in 2021, Ian also represents the third sector on the Falkirk Community Planning Partnershipâs mental health group.
FDAMH is an independent charity providing bespoke one-to-one and group mental health and wellbeing support to people in the Falkirk and District Community.
In his previous role as Operations Manager, he played an integral part in ensuring community services remained available throughout the pandemic.
Victoria McRae, Third sector representative
Appointed as CEO of CVS Falkirk at the end of 2020, Victoria has extensive experience in both the private and third sector, working with the organisation since 2010.
CVS Falkirk & District is the third sector interface for the Falkirk area, with a primary role in ensuring the continuation and development of a vibrant local third sector.
Victoria and the CVS team support local partners in creating change and making a lasting, valued, difference to the communities of Falkirk.
Martin Thom, Head of Specialist Services
Martin has a strong commitment to working in partnership with NHS, voluntary and private sector partners. For over twenty years, he has worked as a practitioner and manager within Social Work and Social Care. His experience spans a range of services covering residential care for adults with learning disabilities, support for people affected by alcohol-related brain injury, criminal justice social work services, and offenders with problem drug use. Prior to joining Falkirk, Martin has held senior roles at Fife Council as Head of Older People Services and for Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council, where he was appointed Head of Community Care Partnerships.
Caroline Doherty, Head of Community Services
Caroline joined the senior leadership team in May 2024, having led the Partnershipâs central locality team since August 2023. She brings experience from previous roles with the Care Inspectorate as a Strategic Inspector and East Renfrewshire HSCP within Adult Support and Protection.
Tom Cowan, Head of Strategic Planning and Transformation
Tom joined the senior leadership team in September 2024, with extensive leadership experience at two of Scotlandâs largest health and social care partnerships and having recently undertaken consultancy work across the UK to support change and redesign projects in the primary care sector. He has acted as Deputy Chief Officer for both Aberdeen and Edinburgh health and social care partnerships, where he was responsible for the delivery of all community health and social care services – including Primary Care. His 40 years of experience is founded upon his background as a social worker in North Lanarkshire, where he progressed through various management positions within local authority social work before reaching Operational Head of Service level in 2007.
All members of the Integration Joint Board must complete a declaration of interests form, meeting the requirements of the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 (Register of Interests)Â Regulations 2003.
Sharon Mwale (pending upload)
Board publications
IJB Standing orders
Integration Scheme (pending upload)
Governance framework