Your voice matters. Take part in the all-staff survey on adult support and protection. The Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) are… read more →
Help is now available for people in the Falkirk area who are struggling with poor sleep and insomnia. An NHS-accredited online programme known as Sleepio is now available alongside two… read more →
Did you know that in the winter months (October – March), we are unable to get enough Vitamin D from sunlight? Our main source of vitamin D is sunlight. In… read more →
If the pandemic is over, why can’t GPs go back to normal? The pandemic is not over. GP practices are open and have been throughout, however to protect everyone, they… read more →
Do you live in the Falkirk Council or Stirling Council area? Walking aids and equipment issued by the Joint Loan Equipment Service (JLES), such as trolleys, toilet frames, bed leavers… read more →
What is long COVID? Most people’s symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) get better within 4 weeks. But for some people, symptoms can last longer, or new ones can develop. This has… read more →
Those eligible for cervical screening in NHS Forth Valley and the Falkirk area are being urged to go for a smear test when invited as part of a new campaign.… read more →
A guide to community support projects in the Falkirk area Community-led support projects give everyone the opportunity to socialize and take part in regular enjoyable and meaningful activities. Many of… read more →
A charity which provides lifeline shopping and befriending services for older people is launching in Falkirk. Food Train is recruiting volunteers across the region after being commissioned by Falkirk Health… read more →
Community Choices could help get your project off the ground. Run by Falkirk Council and Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership, Community Choices gives people the chance to apply for… read more →